Fogo no Cerrado em 2024: retrato de janeiro a setembro
O bioma Cerrado é de extrema importância ecológica e econômica, desempenhando um papel crucial na regulação hídrica (Sawyer et al. 2017), alimentando as principais bacias hidrográficas do país, além de ser a savana tropical com maior biodiversidade do mundo (Myers...
A selva como laboratório: Pesquisadores preparam queimada gigante para saber até que ponto a mata pode resistir
Matéria da revista Veja (online) divulga experimento realizado por cientistas de quatro insituições – Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia, Centro de Pesquisa Woods Hole Universidades de Yale e Stanfort, dos Estados Unidos.
Diet of a muriqui group (Brachyteles arachnoides) in continuous primary forest
The feeding behaviour of a group of free-ranging muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides) was monitored in the 380 km2 Carlos Botelho State Park (PECB), between February 1992 and November 1993. Scan sample data indicated that 59.1% of feeding time was devoted to fruit,...
Moisture and substrate availability constrain soil trace gas fluxes in an eastern Amazonian regrowth forest
[1] Changes in land‐use and climate are likely to alter moisture and substrate availability in tropical forest soils, but quantitative assessment of the role of resource constraints as regulators of soil trace gas fluxes is rather limited. The primary objective of...
Collective Action Without Collective Ownership: The Role Of Formal Logging Contracts In Community Associations On The Brazilian Amazon Frontier
Neste trabalho os autores utilizam-se de dados socioeconômicos sobre os colonos para estudar contratos entre pequenos produtores de madeira e a indústria madeireira.
The economic cost of the use of fire in the Amazon
The objective of this study is to investigate the cost of the use of fire in the Amazon. Burnings are commonplace in the Amazon production process and contribute towards the region’s agricultural expansion. Fire is used by farmers in the land preparation process...
Amazon drought and its implications for forest flammability and tree growth: a basin-wide analysis
Severe drought in moist tropical forests provokes large carbon emissions by increasing forest flammability and tree mortality, and by suppressing tree growth. The frequency and severity of drought in the tropics may increase through stronger El Niño Southern...