Diet of a muriqui group (Brachyteles arachnoides) in continuous primary forest

18 de julho de 2004

jul 18, 2004

Oswaldo de Carvalho Jr, Stephen Frances Ferrari, Karen Barbara Strier

The feeding behaviour of a group of free-ranging muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides) was monitored in the 380 km2 Carlos Botelho State Park (PECB), between February 1992 and November 1993. Scan sample data indicated that 59.1% of feeding time was devoted to fruit, 33.2% to leaves, 4.1% to flowers, and 3.6% to other items (twigs, stem and bark). Little seasonal variation was recorded. These results contrast with those of all previous studies of Brachyteles, in which the consumption of leaves was generally double that of fruit. One key difference in comparison with previous studies is that the PECB is part of the largest remaining continuous area of primary Atlantic forest, in the Serra do Mar coastal range. Such intraspecific differences in ecology may have important implications for the conservation of the species.

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