Fogo no Cerrado em 2024: retrato de janeiro a setembro
O bioma Cerrado é de extrema importância ecológica e econômica, desempenhando um papel crucial na regulação hídrica (Sawyer et al. 2017), alimentando as principais bacias hidrográficas do país, além de ser a savana tropical com maior biodiversidade do mundo (Myers...
The Indigenous Plan for Combating Climate Change: the Fundamentals
Publication by the Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB) in partnership with the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) presents indigenous perspectives and their foundations for a plan for fighting climatechange.
Sistematização e disseminação dos resultados das Casas Familiares Rurais na Transamazônica e Xingu e BR-163
Cartilha traz uma análise agregada dos dados colhidos nos 8 municípios que sediam as Casas Familiares Rurais e das entrevistas por categoria de agentes: Assistência Técnica; Dirigentes das Organizações Sociais (sindicais e cooperativas); Monitores; Representantes de Instituições Públicas de Educação e empresa.
Interactions between repeated fire, nutrients, and insect herbivores affect the recovery of diversity in the southern Amazon
Surface fires burn extensive areas of tropical forests each year, altering resource availability, biotic interactions, and, ultimately, plant diversity. In transitional forest between the Brazilian cerrado (savanna) and high stature Amazon forest, we took advantage...
International Program Annual Report
IPAM International Program (IPAM-IP) Annual Report. San Francisco--USA. September2010 - June 2011.
International Program Annual Report
IPAM International Program (IPAM-IP) Annual Report. San Francisco--USA. September2010 - June 2011.
Slowing Climate Change through Better Farming: Early Results of the “RT-REDD Consortium”
Most of the world's tropical forests and carbon emissions from deforestation are in nations or states that are developing REDD+ programs to slow deforestation as their farmers prepare to certify their farms under one of the agricultural commodity roundtables.