Leaf development and demography explain photosynthetic seasonality in Amazon evergreen forests

26 de fevereiro de 2016

fev 26, 2016

Jin Wu, Loren P. Albert, Aline P. Lopes, Natalia Restrepo-Coupe, Matthew Hayek, Kenia T. Wiedemann, Kaiyu Guan, Scott C. Stark, Bradley Christoffersen, Neill Prohaska, Julia V. Tavares, Suelen Marostica, Hideki Kobayashi, Mauricio L. Ferreira, Kleber Silva Campos, Rodrigo da Silva, Paulo M. Brando, Dennis G. Dye, Travis E. Huxman, Alfredo R. Huete, Bruce W. Nelson, Scott R. Saleska

In evergreen tropical forests, the extent, magnitude, and controls on photosynthetic seasonality are poorly resolved and inadequately represented in Earth system models. Combining camera observations with ecosystem carbon dioxide fluxes at forests across rainfall gradients in Amazônia, we show that aggregate canopy phenology, not seasonality of climate drivers, is the primary cause of photosynthetic seasonality in these forests.

Specifically, synchronization of new leaf growth with dry season litterfall shifts canopy composition toward younger, more light-use efficient leaves, explaining large seasonal increases (~27%) in ecosystem photosynthesis. Coordinated leaf development and demography thus reconcile seemingly disparate observations at different scales and indicate that accounting for leaf-level phenology is critical for accurately simulating ecosystem-scale responses to climate change.


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Manejo e Recuperação de Mata Ciliar em Regiões Florestais da Amazônia

Manejo e Recuperação de Mata Ciliar em Regiões Florestais da Amazônia

O objetivo dessa publicação é a defesa do bem social comum na Amazônia, conciliando o desenvolvimento socioeconômico com a conservação da natureza, partindo do pressuposto de que grande parte da degradação ambiental advinda da expansão da agricultura e pecuária na região poderia ser evitada ou revertida com práticas baratas e fáceis de implementar.