Desmatamento zero na Amazônia: como e por que chegar lá (relatório completo)

13 de novembro de 2017

nov 13, 2017

Zerar o desmatamento na Amazônia traria benefícios ambientais e sociais para o Brasil e para o mundo. Neste documento, demonstramos que é viável zerar rapidamente o desmatamento com base nas experiências já desenvolvidas no país.

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See also

Forest fires in the Amazon: short-term individual benefits versus long-term societal costs

Forest fires in the Amazon: short-term individual benefits versus long-term societal costs

Fire is the least expensive and most broadly used method of clearing land and converting forest biomass into soil nutrients for pastures and crops in the tropics. Fire is also used to control weeds and to reinvigorate palatable pasture grasses. Even if beneficial for farmers over the short run, intensification of deforestation and burning impose long-term costs on individuals and society.