Evolution of the Brazilian phytogeography classification systems: implications for biodiversity conservation

30 de dezembro de 1999

dez 30, 1999

Carlos A. Joly, Marcos P.M. Aidar, Carlos A. Klink, David G. McGrath, Adriana G. Moreira, Paulo Moutinho, Daniel C. Nepstad, Alexandre A. Ouveira, Arnildo Pott, Maria J.N. Rodal, Everardo V.S.B. Sampaio

Undoubtedly the increase in scientific knowledge and the use of techniques such as remote sensing fostered a significant evolution of Brazilian phytogeography. Today there is a much better knowledge of the distinct physiognomies present in our territory. In some areas, such as the Caatinga and the Campos Sulinos, there is an urgent need of more detailed information on the floristic composition and structure of the distinct types of vegetation to allow a better phytogeographic classification.

From the biodiversity conservation approach it is important to consider not only the present types of physiognomies. It is imperative to take the evolutionary process in account and, on doing that, one can not avoid concluding that conservation policies must be established at the biome level.

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