REDD+ in the Post-Copenhagen World: Recommendations for Interim Public Finance

4 de agosto de 2010

ago 4, 2010

William Boyd, Brunello, T., Mariano Cenamo, Andrea Cattaneo, John Embiricos, Michael Jenkins, Tracy Johns, Paula Moreira, Paulo Moutinho, Daniel Nepstad, John-O Niles, Jacob Olander, Steve Schwartzman, Osvaldo Stella, David Tepper, Tsakonas, I.

REDD holds the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve the livelihoods of forest-dependent people, and conserve biodiversity. The interim public fundind announced during and since the COP15 could play a role in helping to realize this potential. The overall goal of this funding should be to support progress towards REDD+ national programs that are “efficient, effective, and equitable”.

Boyd, W.; Brunello, T.; Cenamo, M.; Cattaneo, A.; Embiricos, J.; Jenkins, M.; Johns, T.; Moreira, P.; Moutinho, P.; Nepstad, D.; Niles, J.; Olander, J.; Schwartzman, S.; Stella, O.; Tepper, D.; Tsakonas, I.REDD+ in the Post-Copenhagen World: Recommendations for Interim Public Finance. 2010

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