Assessing compliance with the Forest Code: A practical guide

11 de abril de 2017

abr 11, 2017

Pedro Amaral, Tiago Reis, Roberta del Giudice

The goal of this guide is to help buyers of Brazilian forestry and agricultural commodities to verify compliance with the Brazilian Forest Code in their supply chain. It presents a range of available and evolving tools to ensure compliance with the Forest Code in the supply chain. The tools described are credible and practical instruments that buyers can use without the need for legal or environmental specialists. In this way, the private sector can support the transition to legal compliance in Brazil’s rural environment, also with the benefit of promoting commodities produced in Brazil in the domestic and international markets.

* Updated in May 2019 with the latest information on dates and other minor changes.

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PEC 215: Threat to Rights and to the Environment

PEC 215: Threat to Rights and to the Environment

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