O impacto da regularização fundiária na economia verde
Estudo publicado pelo IPAM na revista Stanford Social Innovation Review Brasil, verificou a existência de 57 mil propriedades fora dos sistemas do INCRA, o que resulta em mais de 9,9 milhões de hectares de terras sem cadastro. Quando somadas às áreas já registradas...
Apresentação – Mercado Justo
Apresentação integrante da vídeo-aula 2 de mercado justo (fair trade, commerce equitable, fair handel), tratando questões como origens, objetivos e formas de acesso, certificação e participação. Este material faz parte do Módulo Laranja, chamado Diferenciação de...
Apresentação – Certificação orgânica participativa
Apresentação integrante da vídeo-aula 1 sobre certificação orgânica participativa dentro do projeto "Mercados Verdes e Consumo Sustentável". Este material faz parte do Módulo Laranja, chamado Diferenciação de Mercados, um dos sete temas que compõem o...
Opposite latitudinal patterns for bird and arthropod predation revealed in experiments with differently colored artificial prey
The strength of biotic interactions is generally thought to increase toward the equator, but support for this hypothesis is contradictory. We explored whether predator attacks on artificial prey of eight different colors vary among climates and whether this...
Solving Brazil’s land use puzzle: Increasing production and slowing Amazon deforestation
Brazil has become an agricultural powerhouse, producing roughly 30 % of the world’s soy and 15 % of its beef by 2013 – yet historically much of that growth has come at the expense of its native ecosystems. Since 1985, pastures and croplands have replaced nearly 65...
Solving Brazil's land use puzzle: Increasing production and slowing Amazon deforestation
Brazil has become an agricultural powerhouse, producing roughly 30 % of the world’s soy and 15 % of its beef by 2013 – yet historically much of that growth has come at the expense of its native ecosystems. Since 1985, pastures and croplands have replaced nearly 65...
Biological Nitrogen Fixation Does Not Replace Nitrogen Losses After Forest Fires in the Southeastern Amazon
Tropical forest fires have become more common due to interactions between deforestation, land clearing, and drought. Forest recovery following fires may be limited by nitrogen. Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) is the main pathway for new nitrogen (N) to enter...