O impacto da regularização fundiária na economia verde
Estudo publicado pelo IPAM na revista Stanford Social Innovation Review Brasil, verificou a existência de 57 mil propriedades fora dos sistemas do INCRA, o que resulta em mais de 9,9 milhões de hectares de terras sem cadastro. Quando somadas às áreas já registradas...
The role of informal contracts in the growth of small cattle herds on the floodplains of the Lower Amazon
In the absence of access to formal credit, informal contracts with independent investors give the small ranchers of the Lower Amazon an acceptable means through which to surmount the high investment hurdle of starting a cattle herd. These contracts – called...
The Large‐Scale Biosphere‐Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia: Analyzing Regional Land Use Change Effects
The Brazilian Amazon currently releases about 0.2 Pg-C to the atmosphere each year as a result of net deforestation. Logging and forest fire activity are poorly quantified but certainly increase this amount by more than 10%. Fires associated with land management...
Activity patterns and diet of the howler monkey Alouatta belzebul in areas of logged and unlogged forest in Eastern Amazonia
This work compared the activity patterns and diet of a group of Alouatta belzebul in areas of logged and unlogged forest in eastern Amazonia.
Classifying successional forests using Landsat spectral properties and ecological characteristics in eastern Amazônia
Secondary forests may become increasingly important as temporary reservoirs of genetic diversity, stocks of carbon and nutrients, and moderators of hydrologic cycles in the Amazon Basin as agricultural lands are abandoned and often later cleared again for...
Contribution of transpiration to forest ambient vapour based on isotopic measurements
Using a simple isotope mixing model, we evaluated the relative proportion of water vapour generated by plant transpiration and by soil evaporation at two sites in the Amazon basin. Sampling was carried out at two different soil covers (forest and pasture), in a...
Leaf-cutting ant (Atta sexdens) and nutrient cycling: deep soil inorganic nitrogen stocks, mineralization, and nitrification in Eastern Amazonia
Nest excavation and agricultural activities of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens create complex belowground heterogeneity in secondary forests of Eastern Amazonia. We examined the effects of this heterogeneity on inorganic-N stocks, net mineralization, and net...