Cultivating dialogues about the Amazon beyond its borders
Latest releases

What land grabbing is and how to combat it in the Amazon
Fraud has been carried out for centuries and has been given a new guise in current times. Find out what the proposals are to prevent and combat the main cause of illegal deforestation in the Amazon.

The Documentary “The Chief’s Call” Premieres on YouTube This Friday
The short film The Chief’s Call: Heritage, Land and Future will be released on the YouTube channel of IPAM (Amazon Environmental Research Institute, acronym in Portuguese) this Friday (21). The documentary, which premiered on April 23, 2024, at Caixa Cultural Brasília...

Raoni Metuktire Participates in Special Screening of the Documentary “The Chief’s Call”
During a screening of the film by IPAM and Raoni Institute at SEMEIA 2024, the leader of the Mebêngôkre (Kayapó) called for union for the future of the planet
About Amazoniar

In Portuguese, the verb “Amazoniar” (“Amazonize” or “to Amazon”) symbolizes the act of getting involved, learning, and actively participating in promoting and protecting culture, biodiversity, and environmental issues in the Amazon region. Launched in 2019, Amazoniar is an initiative by the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) to promote a global dialogue about the biome.
We aim to be a channel of knowledge and a stage for the global community interested in delving into different characteristics of the region. Through a cultural, informative, and artistic approach, we aim to inform, provoke, inspire, and raise awareness. This concept guides us on several fronts of activities and practices, such as:
- Integration and Dialogue: we promote inclusive interaction and open dialogue between different communities and disciplines, aiming to increase understanding and strengthen cooperation around Amazon-related themes;
- Environmental Awareness: we work to raise awareness about the importance of the Amazon for the global climate and socio-environmental issues, highlighting issues such as deforestation, biodiversity, climate change, and human rights;;
- Culture and Preservation: we are engaged in the preservation, appreciation, and recognition of Amazonian cultures, respecting traditions, values, and rights of indigenous peoples, quilombolas (members of Afro-Brazilian communities originally formed by escaped slaves and their descendants), riverside communities, extractivist, family farmers, among many others;;
- Immersion and Study: we promote immersive information and studies of the Amazon rainforest, highlighting its complexity and unique knowledge.
Amazoniar is a movement towards a future where the Amazon is understood, respected, and preserved. We invite you to join us on this journey of knowledge, dialogue, and action for this rich biome and the people who live in it. Together, we can be actors of great change.
Previous activities
Photography Contest
EcologyDay Portugal
Indigenous art and culture as a tool for their fight
Series: Traditional Indigenous Science for Global Sustainability
Series: What is Land-grabbing
Productions on the EU-Mercosur Trade Agreement
- Voices from the South: IPAM releases documentary on the Mercosur-EU Agreement
- Mercosur communities offer perspectives on the agreement with the EU
- Agreement between the EU and Mercosur should guarantee the future of indigenous peoples
- Peoples of the Amazon must participate in the Agreement between the EU and Mercosur
- Agreement between the EU and Mercosur must consider, above all, life
Deforestation Solutions for the Amazon
- Designation of Public Forests Is Essential to Stop Deforestation in the Amazon
- Conservation in private areas is a vital step to reduce deforestation
- Increasing agribusiness productivity without deforesting the Amazon is possible and necessary
- “To Reduce Deforestation, the Most Effective Action is Strengthening Command and Control”
Youth and the future of the planet in the 2022 Brazilian elections context
Animated Series "Fruturos"
Reading recommendation
Land Grabbing
- MOUTINHO, P., ALENCAR, A., STABILI, M., et al. Destinação de Florestas Públicas: Um meio de combate à grilagem e ao desmatamento ilegal na Amazônia. 2022
- BRITO, B; Como impedir a grilagem nas florestas públicas federais? 2023
- Rattis, L., P. M. Brando, M. N. Macedo, S. A. Spera, A. D. A. Castanho et al. Climatic limit for agriculture in Brazil. 2021
- Leite-Filho, A.T., Soares-Filho, B.S., Davis, J.L. et al. Deforestation reduces rainfall and agricultural revenues in the Brazilian Amazon. 2021
- Agência IBGE notícias: 10,3 milhões de pessoas moram em domicílios com insegurança alimentar grave. 2020
- PEREIRA, J. Mudanças climáticas põem em risco segurança alimentar da população em 62% dos municípios da Amazônia Legal e região é a mais afetada do país. 2023
- LOSS, H. Grilagem como causa do desmatamento na Amazônia. 2021
Mercosur-European Union Free Trade Agreement
- AGUIAR, A., ARIMA, E., TAHERIPOUR, F., BARRETO, P. Is the EU-Mercosur trade agreement deforestation-proof? 2020
- FOLLADOR, M., SOARES-FILHO, B., PHILIPPIDIS, G., DAVIS, J., RIBEIRO DE OLIVEIRA, A., RAJÃO, R. Cana-de-açúcar brasileira amarga negociações comerciais UE-Mercosul. 2021
- FRITZ, T. Acordo UE Mercosul: Ameaça para a proteção do clima e dos direitos humanos. 2020
- INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABILITY – IIS. European Union-Mercosur Trade Agreement: solution for trade-related habitat loss in Brazil? 2022
- MENDEZ-PARRA, M., GARNIZOVA, E., BREINBAUER, D., LOVO, S., ET AL. Sustainability Impact Assessment in Support of the Association Agreement Negotiations between the European Union and Mercosur. 2020
- BOMBARDI, L. Geography of Asymmetry: the vicious cycle of pesticides and colonialism in the commercial relationship between Mercosur and the European Union. 2021
- FERN. Acordo comercial entre União Europeia e Mercosul: o que é e o que ele pode significar para as florestas e para os direitos humanos? 2020
- HARRISON, J., PAULINI, S. The Trade and Sustainable Development Chapter in the EU- Mercosur Association Agreement Is It Fit for Purpose? 2020
- MOTTA VEIGA, P., RIOS, S. Comércio e meio-ambiente: novo cenário internacional e implicações para o Brasil. 2020
- VOITURIEZ, T., CREMES, K., GUIMARÃES, A., MOUTINHO, P., ZERBINI, O. A eleição de Lula: Uma bênção para um Acordo de Associação UE-Mercosul “verde”? 2022
Undesignated Public Forests
- MOUTINHO, P., ALENCAR, A., STABILI, M., et al. Destinação de Florestas Públicas: Um meio de combate à grilagem e ao desmatamento ilegal na Amazônia. 2022
- SOARES-FILHO, B., MOUTINHO, P., NAPSTED, D., et al. Role of Brazilian Amazon protected areas in climate change mitigation. 2010
- ALENCAR, A., CASTRO, I., LAURETO, L., et al. Amazônia em Chamas: Desmatamento e fogo nas florestas públicas não destinadas. 2021
Deforestation in the Amazo
- HICKMAN, C., MARKS, E., PIHKALA, P., et al. Climate anxiety in children and young people and their beliefs about government responses to climate change: a global survey. 2021
- GIRALDI, G., TERRA. Investigações revelam quadrilhas e ganho milionário por trás do desmate. 2019
- BERGAMO, D., ZERBINI, O., PINHO, P., MOUTINHO, P. The Amazon bioeconomy: Beyond the use of forest products. 2022
- Leite-Filho, A.T., Soares-Filho, B.S., Davis, J.L. et al. Deforestation reduces rainfall and agricultural revenues in the Brazilian Amazon. 2021
- MapBiomas, Terra Indígenas contribuem para a preservação das florestas. 2022
- LEAL, S. R. Práticas de intensificação da pecuária podem aumentar lucro em até 36%. 2021
- ((o))eco. O que são Unidades de Conservação? 2013
- ((o))eco. Restaurar pasto degradado custa 72% menos do que abrir novas áreas na Amazônia. 2021
- PINTO, E., CRISOSTOMO, A. C., SOUZA, M. L., et al. O ICMS Verde como incentivo à conservação do meio ambiente em municípios paraenses. 2018
- USHIROBIRA, L., OCCA. Qual é a bioeconomia que a Amazônia quer? 2022
- GARRIDO, B. A. “Para além de ideias importadas, a bioeconomia deve servir à Amazônia”. 2022
The team
Amazoniar has an extensive network of collaborators and partners that enable us to reach new heights.
Although our journey is enriched by many hands and minds, we have a recurring team that forms the core of our project, the backbone of our day-to-day lives. Each brings their unique expertise, with passion and commitment that drives us forward.

Lucas Ramos
Manager and creator of Amazoniar
Raised in the Amazon and adopted by the Cerrado, a master in Creative Industries Management in art, culture, and education fields. Globally advocate for sustainability through inclusive communication and quality information. A historian turned photographer, he is fascinated by traditional knowledge and methods as well as new technologies and seeks to encompass both in his work.

Olivia Zerbini
Amazoniar researcher
A Public Administrator by training, she has been a research analyst at IPAM since 2020. In Amazoniar, her favorite project, she acts as technical-scientific support, building partnerships and forming narratives that translate science into an accessible language. In addition to the dream of breaking bubbles and engaging different audiences in the fight against climate change and socio-environmental inequalities, she works with sociobioeconomy and international trade combined with Brazilian biomes preservation.

Sara Leal
She is the current communication coordinator at IPAM (Amazon Environmental Research Institute). Born in the Cerrado and passionate about the Amazon, she believes that dialogue, based on science and information, will be key to building a future where beings can share a habitable world.

Lays Ushirobira
Amazoniar communicator
Latin American feminist journalist, works in communication for development, movement building, and advocacy campaigns for climate and economic justice. Passionate about listening and telling stories that inspire systemic change, she has worked with NGOs and CSOs in education, tax justice, and socio-environmental rights.

Maria Garcia
Social network analyst
Content producer for IPAM’s social networks, she is from Salvador, Bahia lives in Brasília, is a journalist, and has worked in several areas of communication (including writing, press office, and social media management). All of her professional commitment flows into communication and public engagement on topics related to sustainability and human rights. She also has a master’s degree in International Relations.

Paulo Moutinho
Ph.D., senior scientist and co-founder of IPAM
Ecologist who studies the impacts of deforestation on climate change and the planet’s inhabitants. He has worked in the Brazilian Amazon for more than 30 years and defends the recognition of the richness of the preserved forest, looking for ways to combat environmental despair.

Marcelo Freitas
IPAM Communication Manager
A journalist with a postgraduate degree in marketing, he worked in radio, television, newspapers, and press relations until being hired by the third sector. He believes in communication’s strategic role in providing answers and building solutions to climate and environmental issues.
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📸 Bibiana Garrido / IPAM
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