The Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) is a scientific, non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit organization that since 1995 has worked for the sustainable development of the Amazon. Our purpose is to consolidate, by 2035, the tropical development model of the Amazon and the Cerrado, through the production of knowledge, implementation of local initiatives and influence in public policies, in order to impact economic development, social equality and preservation of the environment.
Our mission is to promote science, education and innovation for an environmentally healthy, economically prosperous and socially fair Amazon and Cerrado.
In 1995, still influenced by the developments of ECO 92, a group of researchers got together in Belém to create IPAM, a non-governmental organization with a pioneering approach: producing scientific knowledge engaged with actions in the field and discussion of public policies. At that time, there were many questions about the Amazon and the speed and causes of its devastation, its influence on climate regulation and the steps to generate a model of sustainable development for the local population.
Over the years, IPAM has made important contributions to Brazil and the world by producing knowledge and testing the application and viability of public policies. After 28 years, more is known about the Amazon and the Cerrado, but the challenges persist and are renewed. That small group has expanded to nine offices and around one hundred employees, but the IPAM approach is still needed.