Proposals of frameworks for the implementation of REDD in in Brazil. Presented at a side event at the 2010 SBTSTA meetings, in Bonn.
Stella, Osvaldo. Presentation “The Implementation of national REDD Frameworks in Brazil”. Bonn, 2010.
Proposals of frameworks for the implementation of REDD in in Brazil. Presented at a side event at the 2010 SBTSTA meetings, in Bonn.
Stella, Osvaldo. Presentation “The Implementation of national REDD Frameworks in Brazil”. Bonn, 2010.
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In addition to enforcing the fundamental rights of indigenous peoples, Indigenous Lands (ILs) are crucial for the maintenance of important ecosystem services. However, this role is under threat. If the Proposed Constitutional Amendment 215 of 2000 (PEC 215/00), currently under discussion in the Brazilian National Congress, is approved, it can cause serious legal insecurity for Indigenous Lands.
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