The effects of partial throughfall exclusion on canopy processes, aboveground production, and biogeochemistry of an Amazon forest

23 de outubro de 2002

out 23, 2002

Daniel C. Nepstad, Paulo Moutinho, Moacyr B. Dias-Filho, Eric Davidson, Gina Cardinot, Daniel Markewitz, Ricardo Figueiredo, Noemi Vianna, J. Chambers, David Ray, J. B. Guerreiros, Paul Lefebvre, Leonel Sternberg, Marcelo Moreira, L. Barros, Françoise Y. Ishida, I. Tohlver, E. Belk, Kemel Kalif, Karen Schwalbe

Moist tropical forests in Amazonia and elsewhere are subjected to increasingly severe drought episodes through the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and possibly through deforestation-driven reductions in rainfall. The effects of this trend on tropical forest canopy dynamics, emissions of greenhouse gases, and other ecological functions are potentially large but poorly understood. We established a throughfall exclusion experiment in an east-central Amazon forest (Tapajo´s National Forest, Brazil) to help understand these effects.

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Código Florestal – Avaliação 2012-2016

Código Florestal – Avaliação 2012-2016

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