Joint position on the scale of REDD+

9 de novembro de 2009

nov 9, 2009

IPAM, together with partners, Conservation International, Environmental Defense Fund, Woods Hole Research Center, and The Nature Conservancy, produced four policy briefs on aspects of REDD policy.

This one is a joint position on the scale of REDD+: REDD+ activities may be undertaken at various geographic and institutional levels. We support a national framework that includes national carbon accounting, regulation and reporting on emissions reductions, but allows for implementation of activities and crediting at both national and sub-national scales.

IPAM; Conservation International; Environmental Defense Fund; Woods Hole Research Center; The Nature Conservancy. 2009.

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Submissão Internacional à UNFCCC/SBSTA – Redução de emissões de GEE oriundas do desmatamento nos países em desenvolvimento

Submissão Internacional à UNFCCC/SBSTA – Redução de emissões de GEE oriundas do desmatamento nos países em desenvolvimento

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