Florestas não-designadas na Amazônia

1 de julho de 2020

jul 1, 2020

Esse mapa traz o desenho dos 49,8 milhões de florestas não-designadas existentes na Amazônia, após limpeza de sobreposições, conforme descrito no artigo científico “Lawless land in no man’s land“, publicado em junho de 2020. Além dos limites, elas estão identificadas pelo ente responsável (esfera estadual ou federal) e sobrepostas ao desmatamento registrado até 2018.

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See also

The Increase in Deforestation in the Amazon in 2013: a point off the curve or out of control?

The Increase in Deforestation in the Amazon in 2013: a point off the curve or out of control?

With the objective of reflecting on the causes that led to this deforestation and stimulating a reaction by the Brazilian Public Sector, IPAM, ISA and IMAZON, present in this document their reflections on the increase in deforestation that occurred in 2013 and put forth a series of recommendations for moving forward with reductions in rates of forest destruction in the Amazon.