Demonstrativos financeiros – 2022

21 de setembro de 2023

set 21, 2023

Demonstrações financeiras de 2022 e relatório dos auditores independentes.

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Challenges and opportunities strenghten the National Contributions in the Agricultural and Forestry Sector in Latin America: The Case of Brazil

Challenges and opportunities strenghten the National Contributions in the Agricultural and Forestry Sector in Latin America: The Case of Brazil

This document is the result of a project promoted by the Latin American Platform on Climate (PCL) with the aim of strengthening the development of the climate change agenda at the national level in the Latin-American countries.

Authors: Tiago Reis, Fernanda Bortolotto, Gabriela Russo Lopes and Laura Braga.



This report briefly describes the activities performed by the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM), during the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), occurred between the 7th and 19th of December 2009, in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Boletim "Tanguro em Pauta" -1

Boletim "Tanguro em Pauta" -1

Esta é a primeira edição de um boletim trimestral que traz as novidades do trabalho realizado na Fazenda Tanguro, por um time de cientistas, e os seus impactos. O “Tanguro em Pauta” aumentará o entendimento sobre como a ciência e os sistemas produtivos andam
juntos. Confira!