Protegido: Seminário: “Insumos para o Eixo de Instrumentos Econômicos e Normativos do PPCDAm e do PPCerrado” RESULTADOS Brasília Janeiro de

8 de fevereiro de 2009

fev 8, 2009

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Who owns Brazilian lands?

Who owns Brazilian lands?

Land tenure in many parts of Brazil remains uncertain and controversial. These problems have recently been exacerbated by changes in the legal framework regulating protected areas and the land market. A particular challenge facing attempts to improve land tenure...

An Amazon Perspective on the Forest-Climate Connection: Opportunity for Climate Mitigation, Conservation and Development?

An Amazon Perspective on the Forest-Climate Connection: Opportunity for Climate Mitigation, Conservation and Development?

Amazonia contains more carbon (C) than a decade of global, human-induced CO2 emissions (60–80 billion tons). This C is gradually being released to the atmosphere through deforestation. Projected increases in Amazon deforestation associated with investments in road...