Constructing a policy and institutional framework for an ecosystem-based approach to managing the Lower Amazon floodplain

28 de maio de 2008

maio 28, 2008

David G. McGrath, Alcilene Cardoso, Oriana T. Almeida, Juarez Pezzuti

A regional experiment in co-management is underway in the Lower Amazon that is developing the basic policy and institutional elements for an ecosystem-based approach to floodplain management. This initiative grew out of the grassroots movement of floodplain communities who, concerned with excessive commercial fishing pressure on local fisheries, took control of local lakes and implemented collective agreements regulating fishing activity.

This paper describes the main elements of the evolving regional management system. This process has focused on four main dimensions of floodplain settlement and resource use: development of sustainable management systems for floodplain resources, policies and institutions for fisheries co-management, collective agreements for grazing cattle on floodplain grasslands, and a land tenure policy consistent with the objectives of the evolving co-management system.

Over the last year INCRA, the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform, has begun implementation of a comprehensive new land tenure policy that could resolve structural deficiencies in the existing co-management system and provide the basis for the ecosystem-based management of the Lower Amazon floodplain.

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Manual Desenvolvimento Organizacional Participativo – Fortalecimento de Organizações de Base

Manual Desenvolvimento Organizacional Participativo – Fortalecimento de Organizações de Base

O objetivo deste manual do DOP, Desenvolvimento Organizacional Participativo, é qualificar consultores e técnicos que, em suas práticas, têm uma atuação direta com as organizações de base, apoiando-as no seu fortalecimento e desenvolvimento, por meio da consultoria e/ou assessoria organizacional como processo sistêmico.