
Artigos científicos
Ecological restoration as a strategy for mitigating and adapting to climate change: lessons and challenges from Brazil

Ecological restoration as a strategy for mitigating and adapting to climate change: lessons and challenges from Brazil

Climate change is a global phenomenon that affects biophysical systems and human well-being. The Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change entered into force in 2016 with the objective of strengthening the global response to...

Why ‘blended finance’ could help transitions to sustainable landscapes: Lessons from the Unlocking Forest Finance project

Why ‘blended finance’ could help transitions to sustainable landscapes: Lessons from the Unlocking Forest Finance project

International policy commitments highlight the importance of balancing agricultural development with conservation of tropical forest landscapes for climate change mitigation (UNFCCC, 2015), biodiversity conservation (CBD, 2010), and generally sustainable...

Artigos científicos
Effects of Tropical Deforestation on Surface Energy Balance Partitioning in Southeastern Amazonia Estimated From Maximum Convective Power

Effects of Tropical Deforestation on Surface Energy Balance Partitioning in Southeastern Amazonia Estimated From Maximum Convective Power

To understand changes in land surface energy balance partitioning due to tropical deforestation, we use a physically based analytical formulation of the surface energy balance. Turbulent heat fluxes are constrained by the thermodynamic maximum power limit and a...