Fogo no Cerrado em 2024: retrato de janeiro a setembro
O bioma Cerrado é de extrema importância ecológica e econômica, desempenhando um papel crucial na regulação hídrica (Sawyer et al. 2017), alimentando as principais bacias hidrográficas do país, além de ser a savana tropical com maior biodiversidade do mundo (Myers...
Potencial do uso do bambu nativo para recuperação de reserva legal e de áreas alteradas
O plantio consorciado de bambus e outras espécies de florestais nativas podem gerar emprego e renda no meio rural, recuperar o solo e aumentar a disponibilidade de água, aumentar os estoques de carbono, além de fornecer produtos como colmos, madeira, frutos,...
Nota técnica da Coalizão Brasil sobre vetos à Política Nacional de Pagamento por Serviços Ambientais
Nota técnica da Força Tarefa PSA, da Coalizão Brasil Clima, Florestas e Agricultura, e liderada pela pesquisadora do IPAM Erika Pinto, sobre vetos à Lei nº 14.119, que institui a Política Nacional de Pagamento por Serviços Ambientais. O grupo enumera questões que...
An alternative approach for mapping burn scars using Landsat imagery, Google Earth Engine, and Deep Learning in the Brazilian Savanna
The Cerrado biome in Brazil is characterized by a mosaic of vegetation types similar to African savanna and has one of the highest levels of biodiversity in the world. Wildfires have historically contributed to shaping the natural vegetation and are now being used...
Starch and lipid storage strategies in tropical trees relate to growth and mortality
Non-structural carbon (NSC) storage (i.e. starch, soluble sugras and lipids) in tree stems play important roles in metabolism and growth. Their spatial distribution in wood may explain species-specific differences in carbon storage dynamics, growth and survival....
Hidden destruction of older forests threatens Brazil’s Atlantic Forest and challenges restoration programs
Understanding the dynamics of native forest loss and gain is critical for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services, especially in regions experiencing intense forest transformations. We quantified native forest cover dynamics on an annual basis from 1990 to...
Soil properties and bamboo cover drive the structure of the woody plant community along a forest–savanna gradient
Understanding the role of environmental conditions and geographic space on species distributions is a major goal of ecological studies. Here, we investigate the effects of soil properties, a native bamboo (Actinocladum verticillatum (Nees) McClure ex Soderstr)...