Fogo no Brasil em 2024: o retrato fundiário da área queimada nos biomas
Ane Alencar¹, Vera Arruda¹, Felipe Martenexen¹, Eduardo Reis Rosa2, Eduardo Vélez-Martin3, Luis Fernando Guedes Pinto4, Soltan Galano Duverger 5, Newton Monteiro¹, Wallace Silva¹ ¹IPAM 2 ArcPlan 3GeoKarten 4Sos Mata Atlântica 5Geodatin Introdução O ano de 2024...
Análise Multitemporal do Uso do Solo e Mudança da Cobertura Vegetal em Antiga Área Agrícola da Amazônia Oriental
Landsat TM images from 1994 and 1991 were analyzed for Bragantina Region, the oldest post-Columbian agricultural landscape in eastern Amazônia. The objective of this work was the change detection of land use and vegetation cover in three counties of this region....
Forest Recovery Following Pasture Abandonment in Amazonia: Canopy Seasonality, Fire Resistance and Ants
Tropical forests are important regulators of the flux and storage of carbon, water, and energy in the Biosphere, and they are the habitat of more than three-fourths of the world’s plant and animal species. These ecosystems are also undergoing rapid...
Cattle production in Southern Amazonia: implications for land and water management
The expansion of cattle in central western Brazil has been under scrutiny because of the region's historic reliance on Amazon and Cerrado deforestation for cropland and pastureland expansion. In this study, we determined the volumetric water footprint (VWF) and the...