Much of what we thought was true about Amazon rainforests has turned out to be not quite so. As perceptions sharpen, the value of the Amazon ecosystem is becoming more fully appreciated, as are the consequences of converting this forest to other uses. Even though the region’s forest can spring back after many assaults, continued deforestation, fire, and forest fragmentation might eventually lead to the formation of a stable, fire-prone scrub vegetation where rainforests now occur. To move toward lasting solutions to the knotty conservation and development problems that now face the Amazon region will require vision, a strong government presence, the continued growth of civic responsibility, agile NGOs, and vocal scientists.
Effects of Tropical Deforestation on Surface Energy Balance Partitioning in Southeastern Amazonia Estimated From Maximum Convective Power
To understand changes in land surface energy balance partitioning due to tropical deforestation, we use a physically based analytical formulation of the surface energy balance. Turbulent heat fluxes are constrained by the thermodynamic maximum power limit and a...