
Artigos científicos
Upland agricultural and forestry development in the Amazon: sustainability, criticality and resilience

Upland agricultural and forestry development in the Amazon: sustainability, criticality and resilience

This paper provides an overview of agricultural and forestry development in the Amazon basin, and presents and discusses the main land use systems in evidence today in that region. These are logging, shifting-cultivation and ranching. The issue of sustainability is...

Artigos científicos
A Comparative Study of Tree Establishment in Abandoned Pasture and Mature Forest of Eastern Amazonia

A Comparative Study of Tree Establishment in Abandoned Pasture and Mature Forest of Eastern Amazonia

In Amazonia, millions of hectares of forest have been converted to cattle pasture then abandoned. On sites with histories of heavy use, forest recovery is slow. We compared the process of tree establishment in an abandoned pasture with a history of heavy use and in...