The commercial fisheries of the lower Amazon: an economic analysis

20 de dezembro de 2001

dez 20, 2001

Oriana T. Almeida, David McGrath, Mauro Luis Ruffino

This study characterizes the fishermen and the commercial fishing fleet of the lower Amazon, based on data collected from 5446 boats operating out of the city of Santarém in 1997. An economic analysis of the activities of these boats was based on 50 interviews with boat operators. Larger and smaller boats use essentially the same technology, but there are significant differences in fishing strategies. Smaller boats supply local markets and their catch consists of a large variety of fish species. Larger boats tend to specialize in a small number of catfish species, and supply fish processing plants. Smaller boats are less efficient in terms of catch per unit effort (CPUE) (kg fisherman–1 day–1), but are more efficient economically, earning more for each unit of capital invested than larger boats. Most boats operating from Santarém have a storage capacity of <4 t. Boats in this size (0<4 t) account for 87% of the total fleet direct employment, and 73% of total income. Thus despite the lack of attention from regional policy makers, these smaller boats are an important source of food, income and employment in the lower Amazon region.

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