
Artigos científicos
Fire-induced tree mortality in a neotropical forest: the roles of bark traits, tree size, wood density and fire behavior

Fire-induced tree mortality in a neotropical forest: the roles of bark traits, tree size, wood density and fire behavior

Large-scale wildfires are expected to accelerate forest dieback in Amazônia, but the fire vulnerability of tree species remains uncertain, in part due to the lack of studies relating fire-induced mortality to both fire behavior and plant traits. To address this...

Documentos e relatórios
Survey on REDD Communications Barriers and Needs

Survey on REDD Communications Barriers and Needs

The Forum on Readiness for REDD interviewed 70 engaged stakeholders in the REDD+ Readiness process, asking questions about how they receive information, what kind of information they are looking for, and what challenges they face in getting the information they need. The results of these surveys have been compiled and analyzed in the attached in this White Paper.