Análise Multitemporal do Uso do Solo e Mudança da Cobertura Vegetal em Antiga Área Agrícola da Amazônia Oriental

14 de abril de 1996

abr 14, 1996

Ane A. Costa Alencar, Ima C. Guimarães Vieira, Daniel Curtis Nepstad, Paul Lefebvre

Landsat TM images from 1994 and 1991 were analyzed for Bragantina Region, the oldest post-Columbian agricultural landscape in eastern Amazônia. The objective of this work was the change detection of land use and vegetation cover in three counties of this region. Fourteen classes of land use were detected including primary forests (terra firme and igapo), 3 stages of secondary forest, 2 types of agricultural land and 2 types of pastures. The area occupied by secondary forests in the study scene represented 51% and 52%, respectively in 1984 and 1991. The analysis of trends in vegetation cover showed that 42% of the area remain stable or were left to proceed to advanced forest succession states.

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