Artigos científicos

Artigos científicos
Modeling the effects of throughfall reduction on soil water content in a Brazilian Oxisol under a moist tropical forest

Modeling the effects of throughfall reduction on soil water content in a Brazilian Oxisol under a moist tropical forest

Access to water reserves in deep soil during drought periods determines whether ornot the tropical moist forests of Amazonia will be buffered from the deleterious effectsof water deficits. Changing climatic conditions are predicted to increase periods of droughtin...

Artigos científicos
<!--:pt-->Amazon deforestation drops sharply: Brazil govt<!--:--><!--:en-->Amazon Deforestation Drops Sharply: Brazil Govt<!--:-->

Amazon deforestation drops sharply: Brazil govtAmazon Deforestation Drops Sharply: Brazil Govt

REUTERS.: Amazon deforestation drops sharply: Brazil govt. Bsb, Agosto, 2007. You can reed the article here - produced by Reuters, in August 2007, says that the deforestation of the Amazon rain forest in Brazil fell by about a third in...

Artigos científicos
Effects of partial throughfall exclusion on the phenology of Coussarea racemosa (Rubiaceae) in an east-central Amazon rainforest

Effects of partial throughfall exclusion on the phenology of Coussarea racemosa (Rubiaceae) in an east-central Amazon rainforest

Severe droughts may alter the reproductive phenology of tropical tree species, but our understanding of these effects has been hampered by confounded variation in drought, light and other factors during natural drought events. We used a large-scale experimental reduction of throughfall in an easterncentral Amazon forest to study the phenological response to drought of an abundant subcanopy tree, Coussarea racemosa. We hypothesized that drought would alter the production and the timing of reproduction, as well as the number of viable fruits.