Artigos científicos

Artigos científicos
Institutional subversion and deforestation: learning lessons from the system for the environmental licencing of rural properties in Mato Grosso

Institutional subversion and deforestation: learning lessons from the system for the environmental licencing of rural properties in Mato Grosso

Following the influential Brundtland Report, environmental preservation, social welfare and economic growth ceased to be seen as opposite objectives, but rather, were considered as pillars of what came to be known as ‘sustainable development’ (WCED, 1987). In order...

Artigos científicos
Efeito do substrato e de diferentes tratamentos pré-germinativos na germinação de sementes de Tento – Ormosia paraensis Ducke (Fabaceae)

Efeito do substrato e de diferentes tratamentos pré-germinativos na germinação de sementes de Tento – Ormosia paraensis Ducke (Fabaceae)

Este estudo objetivou avaliar a eficácia de tratamentos pré-germinativos em diferentes substratos para superar a dormência de sementes de Ormosia paraensis Ducke. Foram avaliados quatro tratamentos prégerminativos: 1) escarificação mecânica, 2) escarificação...

Artigos científicos
Forest fragmentation, climate change and understory fire regimes on the Amazonian landscapes of the Xingu headwaters

Forest fragmentation, climate change and understory fire regimes on the Amazonian landscapes of the Xingu headwaters

Understory fire modeling is a key tool to investigate the cornerstone concept of landscape ecology, i.e. how ecological processes relate to landscape structure and dynamics. Within this context, we developed FISC—a model that simulates fire ignition and spread and...