Artigos científicos

Artigos científicos
Cerrado deforestation threatens regional climate and water availability for agriculture and ecosystems

Cerrado deforestation threatens regional climate and water availability for agriculture and ecosystems

A conversão de áreas nativas do Cerrado para pastagens e agricultura já tornou o clima na região quase 1°C mais quente e 10% mais seco. O estudo abordou impactos históricos e futuros da expansão agrícola sobre o clima regional do Cerrado, um hotspot global de...

Artigos científicos
Climate change affects us in the tropics: local perspectives on ecosystem services and well-being sensitivity in Southeast Brazil

Climate change affects us in the tropics: local perspectives on ecosystem services and well-being sensitivity in Southeast Brazil

Inequalities in benefits from ecosystem services (ES) challenge the achievement of sustainability goals, because they increase the vulnerability of socio-ecological systems to climate hazards. Yet the unequal effects of changes in ES, and of climate change more...

Artigos científicos
Environmental Drivers and Network Structure of Hylid Anurans (Amphibia: Hylidae) in Floating Meadows from Amazonian Oxbow Lakes

Environmental Drivers and Network Structure of Hylid Anurans (Amphibia: Hylidae) in Floating Meadows from Amazonian Oxbow Lakes

A partir de coletas de animais em lagos de meandro do Rio Purus, no município de Boca do Acre, pesquisadores do IPAM (Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia), da UFAC (Universidade Federal do Acre) e do Instituto Boitatá buscam compreender melhor os fatores...