Why ignore tropical deforestation? A proposal for including forest conservation in the Kyoto Protocol

1 de março de 2005

mar 1, 2005

Paulo Moutinho, Marcio Santilli, Stephan Schwartzman, Liana Rodrigues

O artigo “Por que ignorar o desmatamento de Florestas Tropicais? Uma proposta para inclusão da conservação florestal no Protocolo de Quioto” apresenta o ponto de vista de profissionais da área sobre a conservação das florestas tropicais. O documento está em inglês.

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Veja também

See also

Deforestation around the world

Deforestation around the world

The study-cases reported here may call attention for the velocity we are losing our forests in a planetary scale and for inestimable impact that will have in human life quality, in wild life, in water, soil and air and in the world economy. To keep it short, it won’t be a surprise if the cost to fix the losses would overcome the investments we have done to achieve the present unsustainable development.