The roles of Environmental Funds in REDD+: RedLAC capacity building project for environmental funds

10 de agosto de 2011

ago 10, 2011

Paulo Moutinho, Osvaldo Stella, Simone Mazer, Ana Carolina Crisostomo, Juliana Splendore, Erika Pinto, Bernhard J. Smid, Mariana Christovam, Ricardo Rettmann, André Nahur


Guia consultivo elaborado pelo IPAM para o workshop “Os Papéis de Fundos Ambientais em Projetos REDD+” realizado pela RedLAC. O guia é composto por: conceitos básicos, ciclo de projetos: passo a passo para montar um projeto de REDD+, funções dos fundos ambientais e estudos de caso.

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Watershed responses to Amazon soya bean cropland expansion and intensification

The expansion and intensification of soya bean agriculture in southeastern Amazonia can alter watershed hydrology and biogeochemistry by changing the land cover, water balance and nutrient inputs. Several new insights on the responses of watershed hydrology and biogeochemistry to deforestation in Mato Grosso have emerged from recent intensive field campaigns in this region.