Tractor-trailer truckslin e up along a red and muddy earthen road. Large vinyl tarpaulins secured by ropes cover the open-topped hoppers of each one. Truck drivers hang out and prepare simple meals using stoves and kitchen utensils contained in a compact box built into the side of the truck cab. It’s early March, still the middle of a lush and highly predictable rainy season. Th e trucks wait for their turn and then enter a large modern compound with a football fi eld–sized building where they are loaded with recently harvested and dried soybeans and weighed.
Conferência sobre Mudanças Climáticas no âmbito da ONU
Conferência sobre Mudanças Climáticas no âmbito da ONU
Resumo dos principais tópicos da Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Mudanças Climáticas, que ocorreu em Bonn/Alemanha, em 2008.