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O presente documento consiste em um diagnóstico socioeconômico, produtivo, territorial e ambiental da microrregião de Chapadinha, estado do Maranhão. Este foi elaborado no âmbito do projeto “Governança e segurança jurídica, socioambiental e territorial na região...
The Sustainable Settlements Project (PAS –Projeto Assentamentos Sustentáveis in Portuguese) was initiated in 2012, with the support of the Amazon Fund and the FVPP (Live, Produce and Preserve Foundation in the Portuguese acronym), with the challenge of proposing and implementing a model that associates increased income for family farmers and reduced deforestation levels in Land Reform.
While CAR land properties initially exhibited reductions in deforestation compared with unregistered landholdings, the difference diminished over time. Furthermore, only 6% of CAR landowners who were interviewed acted to restore illegally cleared portions of their properties, a key component of CAR and SICAR