Reducing Emissions From Deforestation in Developing Countries – submission XXVI SUBSTA

23 de dezembro de 2007

dez 23, 2007

Paulo Moutinho

O Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) e o Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia (IPAM) fazem recomendações ao Órgão Subsidiário de Assessoramento Científico e Tecnológico (SBSTA) no II Seminário sobre Redução de Emissões do Desmatamento em Países em Desenvolvimento. Essa submissão adiciona algumas novas abordagens e dados sobre o desmatamento tropical ao documento anterior. O texto do documento está em inglês.

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See also

Threshold Responses to Soil Moisture Deficit by Trees and Soil in Tropical Rain Forests: Insights from Field Experiments

Threshold Responses to Soil Moisture Deficit by Trees and Soil in Tropical Rain Forests: Insights from Field Experiments

Many tropical rain forest regions are at risk of increased future drought. The net effects of drought on forest ecosystem functioning will be substantial if important ecological thresholds are passed. However, understanding and predicting these effects is challenging using observational studies alone. Field-based rainfall exclusion (canopy throughfall exclusion; TFE) experiments can offer mechanistic insight into the response to extended or severe drought and can be used to help improve model-based simulations, which are currently inadequate.