REDD en las Negociaciones Internacionales sobre el Clima

1 de maio de 2009

maio 1, 2009

Apresentação em espanhol para a Conferência “Desmistificando REDD: fortalecendo a participação dos povos indígenas e tradicionais nas discussões sobre mudança do clima”.

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Overview: Global fire regime conditions, threats, and opportunities for fire management in the tropics

Overview: Global fire regime conditions, threats, and opportunities for fire management in the tropics

The major sources of fire regime alteration worldwide include climate change, agriculture and ranching, deforestation, rural and urban development, energy production, fire exclusion and suppression, invasive species, plantations, and arson. Integrated fire management (IFM) is an approach that considers both damaging and beneficial fires within the context of the natural environments and socio-economic systems in which they occur. IFM takes into account fire ecology, socio-economic issues, and fire management technology to generate practical solutions to fire-related threats to biodiversity.