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Apresentação da diretoria de Ciência no IPAM (Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia), Dra. Ane Alencar, em audiência pública realizada pela Comissão de Meio Ambiente do Senado Federal em 9 de março de 2022.
This document describes a series of integrated strategic actions to reduce deforestation and forest fires in the southwest region of Para State (Trans-Amazon region) taken by the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) in partnership with the Living, Producing and Preserving Foundation (FVPP) and the support from the British Embassy, the Brazil’s Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management, and the Brazilian Secretariat for Strategic Affairs.
While CAR land properties initially exhibited reductions in deforestation compared with unregistered landholdings, the difference diminished over time. Furthermore, only 6% of CAR landowners who were interviewed acted to restore illegally cleared portions of their properties, a key component of CAR and SICAR