Procedimentos para registro de estabelecimento e de produtos no MAPA

12 de dezembro de 2019

dez 12, 2019

Eduardo Libório Feitosa de Araujo

Esta apresentação faz parte do Módulo Amarelo, chamado Regularização Sanitária, um dos sete temas que compõem o Programa CapGestão Amazônia, realizado pelo Consórcio Eco Consult e IPAM.

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Veja também

See also

Predicting moisture dynamics of fine understory fuels in a moist tropical rainforest system: results of a pilot study undertaken to identify proxy variables useful for rating fire danger

Predicting moisture dynamics of fine understory fuels in a moist tropical rainforest system: results of a pilot study undertaken to identify proxy variables useful for rating fire danger

The use of fire as a land management tool in the moist tropics often has the unintended consequence of degrading adjacent forest, particularly during severe droughts. Reliable models of fire danger are needed to help mitigate these impacts. Here, we studied the...