Paving the REDD road in the Brazilian Amazon

15 de agosto de 2009

ago 15, 2009

Ane Alencar, Isabel Castro, Paulo Moutinho, Erika Pinto, Ricardo Rettmann, Osvaldo Stella, Cláudia Stickler

In this publication, IPAM briefly presents two on-the-ground initiatives with potential for REDD in the Brazilian Amazon that could be useful to create the basis of a National REDD regime in Brazil and, perhaps, in other tropical countries.

ALENCAR, A.; CASTRO, I.; MOUTINHO, P.; PINTO, E.; RETTMANN, R.; STELLA, O. e STICKLER, C. Paving the REDD Road in the Brazilian Amazon. Brasília/DF. June, 2009.

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