Land-use in Amazonia and the Cerrado of Brazil

19 de janeiro de 1997

jan 19, 1997

Daniel C. Nepstad, Carlos A. Kunk, Christopher Uhl, Ima Vieira, Paul Lefebvre, Marcos Pedlowski, Eraldo Matricardi, Gustavo Negreiros, Irving F. Brown, Eufran Amaral, Alfredo Homma , Robert Walker


The total area and annual rate of native vegetation clearing is greatest in the Cerrado region followed by the Brazilian states of Pará, Mato Grosso, Maranhào and Rondônia. Amazonian forest clearing proceeds most quickly where abundant natural resources (wood or land) are accessible by roads and close to markets. These regions are concentrated along the eastern and southern f1anks of Amazonia, particularly in eastern Pará, Cuiabá and Rondônia. There are still large discrepancies in estimates of annual deforestation; Landsat (Thematic Mapper-based) mapping of deforestation in the closed-canopy forests of Amazonia has not include non-Brazilian countries and is incomplete for the cerrado biome.

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