Land Tenure and the Effect of the Terra Legal Program on Deforestation

23 de novembro de 2016

nov 23, 2016

Leith McIndewar

The Amazon region has historically had a chaotic land tenure situation. Illegal occupations and land conflicts have been common in many areas where the delineation of lands and legitimization of property rights are difficult.

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Building Bridges Between Commodity Roundtables and REDD+

Building Bridges Between Commodity Roundtables and REDD+

The success of REDD+ is limited by a lack of engagement of farmers. The success of the commodity roundtables is limited by the high costs of farm certification. This proposal is designed to overcome these limitations, linking a process that has funds but needs farmers (REDD+) with processes that have farmers but need funds (commodity roundtables) to achieve significant GHG emissions reductions.