The Amazon region has historically had a chaotic land tenure situation. Illegal occupations and land conflicts have been common in many areas where the delineation of lands and legitimization of property rights are difficult.
The Amazon region has historically had a chaotic land tenure situation. Illegal occupations and land conflicts have been common in many areas where the delineation of lands and legitimization of property rights are difficult.
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As Terras Indígenas (TIs) na Amazônia brasileira cobrem uma fração significativa da região (27% da área com florestas1) e abrigam 173 etnias (1). Além de serem fundamentais para a reproduçãofísica e sociocultural dos povos indígenas – é na Amazônia que se encontram...
The success of REDD+ is limited by a lack of engagement of farmers. The success of the commodity roundtables is limited by the high costs of farm certification. This proposal is designed to overcome these limitations, linking a process that has funds but needs farmers (REDD+) with processes that have farmers but need funds (commodity roundtables) to achieve significant GHG emissions reductions.