This paper presents innovative ways to relate survey data to GIS maps, thereby making the connection of people and place more accessible for the research community. Based on data from rural areas in the Brazilian Amazon, we describe a successful effort to sample households while linking farm-level data to property boundaries, these boundaries generated from subjects’ interpretations of satellite images on a computer screen. The sampling framework is based on legislation requiring farmers to report to a government agency in a four-week period, and the farmers’ input allows for a more efficient means of identifying property boundaries as compared to GPS.
Guia metodológico de Implementação de Oficinas de Promoção de Cadeias de Valor
Esse Guia Metodológico de implementação de Oficinas de Promoção de Cadeias de Valor é um instrumento básico que permite à instituição facilitadora aplicar a metodologia Value Links nas Cadeias selecionadas para o fomento.