Frontier Governance in Amazonia

25 de janeiro de 2002

jan 25, 2002

Daniel Nepstad, David McCrath, Ane Alencar, Ana Cristina Barros, Georgia Carvalho, Marcio Santilli, Maria Del Carmen Vera Diaz

Throughout human history, the world’s great forest formations have yielded to logging, cattle ranching, and agricultural expansion after transportation corridors made them accessible to frontier settlers. The Brazilian Amazon could prove to be an exception to this historical trend, however. Recent advances in Brazil’s environmental management could potentially preserve most Amazonian forests while fostering economic development, as demonstrated by the Cuiabá -Santarém highway, soon to be paved.

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Booklet IPAM

Booklet IPAM

IPAM, the Amazon Environmental Research Institute, is a non-governmental and non-profit organization created in May 1995, in Belém, State of Pará, Brazil. It is one of the most influential and authoritative environmental think-tanks in Brazil and Latin America,...