Secas amplificam perdas de umidade do solo em florestas queimadas do Sudeste da Amazônia
Secas, queimadas e desmatamento fazem com que florestas estoquem mais água do solo como forma de sobreviver, tornando esses ambientes mais secos, suscetíveis ao fogo e diminuindo as chuvas nas regiões próximas. Dados foram divulgados no artigo “Secas amplificam...
Paving BR-319: effects on deforestation and climate
Understanding the effects of roads on land use change in the Brazilian Amazon is crucial in developing policies to combat forest destruction. Here we examine one relevant case study: the proposal to pave BR-319. Specifically, we analyze land within 50 km on either...
Legal Recognition of Indigenous Territories supports climate balance in the Brazilian Amazon
Indigenous Lands (ILs) in the Brazilian Amazon effectively inhibit deforestation (1, 2, 3), preserving cultural and natural resources, as well as ecosystem services. Combined with protected areas (PAs), IL creation is largely responsible for Brazil’s successful...
Land Tenure and the Effect of the Terra Legal Program on Deforestation
The Amazon region has historically had a chaotic land tenure situation. Illegal occupations and land conflicts have been common in many areas where the delineation of lands and legitimization of property rights are difficult.
The Hydrology and Energy Balance of the Amazon Basin
The Amazon basin is the planet’s largest and most intense land-based centre of precipitation. This convective system is driven by high net surface radiation, which is dissipated via fluxes of latent heat and sensible heat. Over the long term (1 year or greater),...