
Artigos científicos
Tree growth and stem carbon accumulation in human-modified Amazonian forests following drought and fire

Tree growth and stem carbon accumulation in human-modified Amazonian forests following drought and fire

Human-modified forests are an ever-increasing feature across the Amazon Basin, but little is known about how stem growth is influenced by extreme climatic events and the resulting wildfires. Here we assess for the first time the impacts of human-driven disturbance...

Documentos e relatórios
De conceito e compromissos à ação – Implementando a abordagem jurisdicional para produção sustentável em Mato Grosso e Pará

De conceito e compromissos à ação – Implementando a abordagem jurisdicional para produção sustentável em Mato Grosso e Pará

Na última década, a taxa de desmatamento na Amazônia brasileira reduziu cerca de 65%, passando de 19.625 km2 (média de 1996 a 2005) para cerca de 6.947 km2 em 2017, o que equivale a uma redução de 4,88 Gt/CO2 e das emissões de gases de efeito estufa. Esse resultado...

Artigos científicos
The intrinsic effects of environment and space on the composition of woody plant species vary between Brazilian savannas growing on distinct types of substrate

The intrinsic effects of environment and space on the composition of woody plant species vary between Brazilian savannas growing on distinct types of substrate

The relationship between the floristic composition of communities and the underlying environmental and spatial determinants is still the subject of intense debate, mainly because only recently has geographical distance been cited as an important driver of plant...