
Artigos científicos
Leafcutter Ant Nests Inhibit Low-Intensity Fire Spread in the Understory of Transitional Forests at the Amazon’s Forest-Savanna Boundary

Leafcutter Ant Nests Inhibit Low-Intensity Fire Spread in the Understory of Transitional Forests at the Amazon’s Forest-Savanna Boundary

Leaf-cutter ants (Atta spp.) remove leaf litter and woody debris—potential fuels—in and around their nests and foraging trails. We conducted single and three annual experimental fires to determine the effects of this leaf-cutter ant activity on the behavior of...

Artigos científicos
Leafcutter Ant Nests Inhibit Low-Intensity Fire Spread in the Understory of Transitional Forests at the Amazon's Forest-Savanna Boundary

Leafcutter Ant Nests Inhibit Low-Intensity Fire Spread in the Understory of Transitional Forests at the Amazon's Forest-Savanna Boundary

Leaf-cutter ants (Atta spp.) remove leaf litter and woody debris—potential fuels—in and around their nests and foraging trails. We conducted single and three annual experimental fires to determine the effects of this leaf-cutter ant activity on the behavior of...

Artigos científicos
Institutional subversion and deforestation: learning lessons from the system for the environmental licensing of rural properties in Mato Grosso

Institutional subversion and deforestation: learning lessons from the system for the environmental licensing of rural properties in Mato Grosso

This article contributes to the public administration and environmental governance literature by proposing the notion of ‘institutional subversion’ as a way of describing how the strategies adopted by local actors may change and even go against the initial aims of...

Artigos científicos
Institutional subversion and deforestation: learning lessons from the system for the environmental licencing of rural properties in Mato Grosso

Institutional subversion and deforestation: learning lessons from the system for the environmental licencing of rural properties in Mato Grosso

Following the influential Brundtland Report, environmental preservation, social welfare and economic growth ceased to be seen as opposite objectives, but rather, were considered as pillars of what came to be known as ‘sustainable development’ (WCED, 1987). In order...