
Nota Técnica

Fogo no Cerrado em 2024: retrato de janeiro a setembro

O bioma Cerrado é de extrema importância ecológica e econômica, desempenhando um papel crucial na regulação hídrica (Sawyer et al. 2017), alimentando as principais bacias hidrográficas do país, além de ser a savana tropical com maior biodiversidade do mundo (Myers...

Artigos científicos
Dependence of hydropower energy generation on forests in the Amazon Basin at local and regional scales

Dependence of hydropower energy generation on forests in the Amazon Basin at local and regional scales

Tropical rainforest regions have large hydropower generation potential that figures prominently in many nations’ energy growth strategies. Feasibility studies of hydropower plants typically ignore the effect of future deforestation or assume that deforestation will...

Documentos e relatórios
Amazônia em Pauta 1: Novo Código Florestal e os Assentamentos na Amazônia

Amazônia em Pauta 1: Novo Código Florestal e os Assentamentos na Amazônia

Neste boletim, o IPAM fornece novos números do passivo de reserva legal nos assentamentos da região e levanta pontos importantes que devem ser levados em consideração para que esta nova realidade pós-aprovação do Código Florestal não implique em aumento na taxa de desmatamento nos assentamentos da Amazônia.

Artigos científicos
Testing the Amazon savannization hypothesis: fire effects on invasion of a neotropical forest by native cerrado and exotic pasture grasses

Testing the Amazon savannization hypothesis: fire effects on invasion of a neotropical forest by native cerrado and exotic pasture grasses

Changes in climate and land use that interact synergistically to increase fire frequencies and intensities in tropical regions are predicted to drive forests to new grass-dominated stable states. To reveal the mechanisms for such a transition, we established 50 ha...

Artigos científicos
Responding to climate change and the global land crisis: REDD+, market transformation and low-emissions rural development

Responding to climate change and the global land crisis: REDD+, market transformation and low-emissions rural development

Climate change and rapidly escalating global demand for food, fuel, fibre and feed present seemingly contradictory challenges to humanity. Can greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from land-use, more than one-fourth of the global total, decline as growth in land-based...

Artigos científicos
Defending public interests in private lands: compliance, costs and potential environmental consequences of the Brazilian Forest Code in Mato Grosso

Defending public interests in private lands: compliance, costs and potential environmental consequences of the Brazilian Forest Code in Mato Grosso

Land-use regulations are a critical component of forest governance and conservation strategies, but their effectiveness in shaping landholder behaviour is poorly understood. We conducted a spatial and temporal analysis of the Brazilian Forest Code (BFC) to...