Esse caderno técnico tem por objetivo fornecer subsídios para o Sistema de Incentivos aos Serviços Ambientais do Acre (SISA) no que diz respeito ao subprograma de intensificação da pecuária.
Esse caderno técnico tem por objetivo fornecer subsídios para o Sistema de Incentivos aos Serviços Ambientais do Acre (SISA) no que diz respeito ao subprograma de intensificação da pecuária.
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Deep root water uptake in tropical Amazonian forests has been a major discovery during the last 15 yr. However, the effects of extended droughts, which may increase with climate change, on deep soil moisture utilization remain uncertain. The current study utilized a 1999–2005 record of volumetric water content (VWC) under a throughfall exclusion experiment to calibrate a one-dimensional model of the hydrologic system to estimate VWC, and to quantify the rate of root uptake through 11.5 m of soil.
To understand changes in land surface energy balance partitioning due to tropical deforestation, we use a physically based analytical formulation of the surface energy balance. Turbulent heat fluxes are constrained by the thermodynamic maximum power limit and a...
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