New Eyes in The Sky: Cloud-Free Tropical Forest Monitoring for REDD With The Japanese Advanced Land Observation Satellite (ALOS)

3 de dezembro de 2007

dez 3, 2007

Josef Kellndorfer, Masanobu Shimada, Ake Rosenqvist, Wayne Walker, Katie Kirsch, Daniel Nepstad, Nadine Laporte, Claudia Stickler, Paul Lefebvre

We report that pan-tropical monitoring of forests hidden by clouds will now be easier, thus strenthening existing global monitoring efforts. We present in this report two successful efforts to create large-scale, cloud-free mosaics of forests for two large tropical forest regions: the island of Bali (7,500 km2) and the Xingu River headwaters in southeastern Amazonia (400,000 km2).

JAXA; WHRC. New Eyes in The Sky: Cloud-Free Tropical Forest Monitoring for REDD With The Japanese Advanced Land Observation Satellite (ALOS). Bali/Indonesia. 3 de Dezembro, 2007.

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