Using a Market-Based Instrument to Strategically Prevent Legal Deforestation in Mato Grosso

22 de agosto de 2017

ago 22, 2017

Tito S. Adikusumo, Meghana S. Chandra, Samara M. Silva, Tiago Reis, Daniel Silva, Marcelo C C Stabile, Divino Silvério, Vivian Ribeiro.

Brazil’s Forest Code of 2012 mandates the maintenance of 80% legal reserve of forested land in every private property in the Amazon biome. Property owners who deforested more than legally permitted before 2008 have the option of buying credits from owners who have surplus native vegetation in the same biome to satisfy their legal reserve defi cit. The use of Environmental Reserve Quotas (“CRA”) could potentially reduce legal deforestation of surplus forested land. Our research objective was to model supply and demand for CRA, by accounting for priority areas defi ned in terms of deforestation risk, carbon stock, and biodiversity importance in the Amazon biome in Mato Grosso.

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Soil moisture depletion under simulated drought in the Amazon: impacts on deep root uptake

Deep root water uptake in tropical Amazonian forests has been a major discovery during the last 15 yr. However, the effects of extended droughts, which may increase with climate change, on deep soil moisture utilization remain uncertain. The current study utilized a 1999–2005 record of volumetric water content (VWC) under a throughfall exclusion experiment to calibrate a one-dimensional model of the hydrologic system to estimate VWC, and to quantify the rate of root uptake through 11.5 m of soil.